
We respect individual diversity.We are actively working to create an environment in which each individual can fully utilize their abilities by adjusting their work style to fit their life events.


Flextime System

In principle, core time is 5 hours between 10:00 and 15:00. The remaining 3 hours can be decided at members' own discretion. Core hours can be adjusted according to the life events and circumstances of each member. However, this is subject to no significant disruption to performance, work, or teamwork.


Hybrid Work System

The balance between remote work and office work can be decided at members' own discretion.


Remote Work Allowance

This benefit is designed to reduce the burden of remote work (electricity, internet, etc.). All members receive NPR 4,000 per month.


Skill Development

Members can use the credit card provided by the company to purchase books or take online courses to improve their skills. The maximum monthly limit is 8,000 NPR, but you may exceed the limit as needed.


Qualification Support

This system is designed to support the acquisition of qualifications related to work. The company will pay the full cost of the qualification.


Stock Compensation

We transfer company stock free of charge at the time of hire. In April of each year, we transfer additional shares free of charge according to the degree of contribution to the company's growth.


Paid Leave System

6 days paid leave for first 6 months. 9 days per six months. Unused holidays will be carried over to the next half. Additional paid leave can be taken if there is no big issue to performance, work, and teamwork


Compensatory Day Off

If you work on weekends or holidays, you will be entitled to a compensatory day off.


Salary Advance Payment

To support sudden expenses due to life events, qualifying members can get an advance of several months' salary.


Congratulatory and Condolence Allowances

We provide congratulatory and condolence allowance for life events and in case of misfortune.

  • Congratulatory allowances:

    Marriage: 100,000 NPR

  • Congratulatory allowances:

    Childbirth: 200,000 NPR

  • Condolence allowance:

    200,000 NPR

  • Condolence allowance for disasters:

    Up to 100,000 NPR

  • Condolence allowance for accident and sickness:

    Up to 100,000 NPR


Special Leave

Special paid leave for life events or in case of misfortune.

  • Marriage leave: 14 days/each time
  • Maternity leave: 60 days / each time and 38 days / Two times(SSF Allowance)
  • Paternity leave: 14 days / each time
  • Mourning leave: 14 days / occasion
  • Nursing leave: 7 days / year (parent, child, husband, wife)
  • Sick leave: 7 / year (for the member only)

Social Security Fund

As a contingency preparation, we are enrolled in the Social Security Found (SSF). Health insurance, full compensation for medical treatment in the event of an work-related accident, and educational benefits for dependents of members who are exposed to work-related hazards, illness, or death are available.

Learn more about us:

Contact Us

We promote business development and DX with you as a co-creation partner. Let us know your company's development concerns and requests.


Please feel free to fill a form. We will get back to you soon.

Online Meeting

Online meeting reservations are available. Please feel free to schedule a meeting.


Our representatives will respond to you soon.

Available time:

Weekdays 10:00 - 18:00 JST
We are  The Visionary Team,

A team that accompanies our partners realize shared vision.

Co-creation is easier said than done. However, we strongly believe in the co-creation based on our many experiences, industry challenges, and market trends.

Aiming to be a team that accompanies our partners in the realization of their vision and DX, we pursue more efficient and effective forms of co-creation on a daily basis.



Company Overview

Member IntroductionOfficesCorporate philosophy


Service detailsTechnologyQuality assuranceSecurityAlliance


Career detailsCore valueBenefits

security actiondx logoISMS QMS LOGO
ISMS (Information Security Management System)

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certification number: GIJP-0784-I

QMS (Quality Management System)

ISO 9001:2015 Certification number:GIJP-0784-QC

Contact our Product Co-Creation Department

Product Co-Creation Department


Support Hours

Weekdays 10:00 - 18:00

© 2025 wesionaryTEAM Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.